Comment enlever l'odeur de transpiration sur les vêtements

10 Foolproof Tips to Eliminate the Smell of Sweat on Your Clothes

Key Takeaways

When it comes to laundry, the sweat smell can be a real challenge to overcome. From water to baking soda via white vinegar, this guide reveals 10 foolproof tips worthy of those of our grandmothers for remove the smell of sweat from your clothes. Learn how to wash and treat your clothes effectively to eliminate bad odors and make your daily life easier.

The brand The Oversized Hoodie® is recognized for its giant snuggle hoodie  certified Oeko-Tex® Standard 100, non-toxic, non-chemical, 100% vegan and cruelty-free. This Hoodie Blanket also awarded the international quality label "Confiance Textile", are ultra soft and infinitely cozy, offering excellent value for money.


Every day we face multiple challenges, and one of them is definitely that of staying fresh and odor-free. The fight against sweat odors on clothing can sometimes seem futile, but don't despair! This guide offers you 10 foolproof tips to get rid of that stubborn odor while respecting your clothes.

Here are the main ideas covered in this article:

  • The effective use of baking soda
  • The benefits of white vinegar for your clothes
  • The use of high temperature washing
  • How lemon juice can help make disappear odors
  • Why choose Marseille soap in your washing routine

From the use of bicarbonate of soda to that of white vinegar, including lemon juice and Marseille soap , each tip is explained in detail to allow you to easily apply them at home.

The Sweat Odor Problem

Who has never found themselves bothered by a persistent smell of perspiration on their clothes, despite being in the washing machine ? This odor is due to the breakdown of sweat by bacteria present on our skin. clothing absorbs this odor, which can withstand washing.

The importance of removing the smell of sweat and removing perspiration from your clothing

The sweat smell on clothes is not only unpleasant, it can also affect our self-confidence and well-being. Additionally, letting sweat sit on clothing can damage the fabric and shorten the life of your favorite outfits. It is therefore crucial to learn how to correctly remove the smell of sweat from clothes. This will not only keep you feeling fresh and clean throughout the day, but will also extend the life of your clothes and preserve their quality. You want to know why your laundry smells like sweat after washing ? Read this article.

Fortunately, there are solutions to overcome these bad odors.Here are our 10 best tips that should change your life!

Tip 1: Using Baking Soda

Why Bicarbonate ? - Explanation of its effectiveness.

baking soda is an essential ally in the fight against perspiration odors. It is a natural product with deodorizing and antibacterial properties. It works by neutralizing odor-causing bacteria and absorbing moisture, effectively removing sweat odor from clothing.

How to Use ? - Step by step guide.

Using baking soda to remove sweat odor is quite simple. Here's how to do it:

  1. Pour a cup of baking soda into a bucket of cold water.
  2. Immerse your clothes in this solution and let them soak overnight.
  3. The next day, wash your clothes in the machine as usual.
  4. Let your clothes air dry to allow the baking soda to work properly. Avoid the washing machine.

bicarbonate de soude pour eliminer l'odeur de transpiration des vetements

Tip 2: White Vinegar

Benefits of White Vinegar - Why it's a smart choice.

white vinegar is another natural product that is particularly effective for eliminating perspiration odors. It has the ability to neutralize odors and kill the bacteria that cause them. In addition, it is gentle on clothes and does not risk damaging them.

Application Method - Detailed Instructions.

Here is how to use white vinegar to make disappear the odor of perspiration:

  1. Fill a bucket with cold water and add a cup of white vinegar.
  2. Immerse your clothes in this solution and let them soak for at least an hour.
  3. After soaking, wash your clothes as you normally do.
  4. Rinse with clean water to remove all traces of vinegar.
  5. Let your clothes air dry for best results. We do not recommend the washing machine.

Tremper les vetements dans une bassine d'eau chaude avec du vinaigre pour enlever les odeurs

Tip 3: Washing at High Temperature

When to Use This Method ? - Suitable Types of Clothing.

Washing at high temperature is another tip to remove sweat odor. However, this method should be used with caution because not all clothing is resistant to high temperature. It is especially recommended for sports clothing and resistant textiles.

Precautions to Take - Tips to avoid damage.

Here is how to do a high temperature wash:

  1. Sort your clothes according to their heat resistance. Avoid washing delicate clothes or those that may shrink at high temperatures.
  2. Set your washing machine to the hottest cycle your clothes can handle.
  3. Use a good quality detergent and scented fabric softener for a more pleasant smell.
  4. Once the cycle is finished, quickly remove the clothes from the machine to prevent the sweat odor from getting in again.

After washing, find our tips to learn how to perfume your laundry in the dryer.

Machine a laver avec des reglages specifiques pour eliminer les odeurs de transpiration

Tip 4: Using Lemon Juice

Why Lemon ? - Explanation of its cleaning power.

lemon juice is renowned for its cleansing and deodorizing properties. The acidity of lemon helps neutralize odors and eliminate bacteria responsible for perspiration. In addition, lemon leaves a odor pleasant and fresh on clothes.

How to Apply ? - Practical guide.

To use lemon juice against sweat odor, follow these steps:

  1. Squeeze the juice of one whole lemon into a bucket of cold water.
  2. Immerse your clothes in this solution and let them soak for an hour.
  3. Then wash your clothes as usual.
  4. Let your clothes air dry for the best results. Same logic: we do not recommend the washing machine.

Note: lemon juice on delicate areas can have a whitening effect on certain textiles. Always test this method on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire garment.

pull plaid gris

Tip 5: Marseille Soap

A. Benefits of Marseille Soap – Why it’s effective.

Marseille soap is a natural product, environmentally friendly and very effective in combating perspiration odors. Thanks to its composition rich in vegetable oils, it deeply cleans the fibers of clothing and eliminates bacteria responsible for odors.

Method of Use - Clear Instructions.

Here is how to use Marseille soap to remove the smell of perspiration:

  1. Moisten the Marseille soap and rub it directly on the areas of your clothing that smell the most of perspiration.
  2. Leave it to act for around thirty minutes.
  3. Then wash your clothes as usual, by machine or by hand.

Application de savon de Marseille sur les zones odorantes des vetements

Tip 6: Ventilation and Sun Drying

Importance of Aeration - Scientific explanation.

Aeration is an often overlooked but essential step to eliminating sweat odors. Indeed, fresh air helps dissipate odors and sun has natural antibacterial properties.

How to Dry in the Sun ? - Practical advice.

Here's how to do it:

  1. After washing your clothes, hang them out in the open air rather than indoors.
  2. If possible, expose them directly to sun.
  3. However, be sure to return your clothing to avoid fading due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

Exposition des vetements au soleil pour eliminer les mauvaises odeurs et blanchir le linge

Tip 7: Ecological Washing Products

Why Choose Ecological Products ? - Environmental benefits.

Opting for ecological washing products is a good initiative both for your laundry and for the environment. These products are generally gentle on clothes and respect the natural balance of your skin. They often contain active ingredients that help eliminate sweat odor.

Which Products to Use ? - Recommendations.

There are a variety of eco-friendly laundry products on the market. Look for ones that contain natural ingredients such as lavender essential oil, baking soda, or apple cider vinegar. These ingredients are known for their deodorizing properties.

Tip 8: Soaking in Saline Solution

Why Bath Salt ? - Explanation of its effectiveness.

Bath salt is another natural product that can help remove sweat odor from clothes. It works by neutralizing odors and killing bacteria. In addition, it is gentle on clothes and does not risk damaging them.

How to Make a Soak ? - Step by Step Guide.

Here's how to use bath salt to eliminate sweat odor:

  1. Fill a bucket with cold water and add a cup of vain salt crystals
  2. Immerse your clothes in this solution and let them soak for at least an hour.
  3. Rinse your clothes in cold water then wash them as usual.

pull plaid bleu femme

Tip 9: Using Scented Fabric Softeners

Which Fabric Softeners to Choose ? - Product Selection.

Using scented fabric softeners when washing your clothes can provide a fresh and pleasant odor to your outfits . However, it is important to choose quality products to achieve the best results. Opt for fabric softeners containing natural essential oils for a long-lasting odor. Applying a few gdrops of concentrated essential oil can also do the trick.

How to Use ? - Detailed Instructions.

Using scented fabric softeners is quite simple. Simply add them to your washing machine at the start of the wash cycle according to the product instructions. They will release their odor during the cycle, leaving your clothes smelling nice and fresh.

Tip 10: Odor Prevention

Choice of Materials and Personal Hygiene - Tips to minimize sweating.

Prevention is always the best solution. To minimize perspiration and therefore odor, opt for clothing made from natural materials such as cotton or linen, which allow the skin to breathe. Additionally, good personal hygiene, including showering daily and using an effective deodorant, can reduce the amount of sweat and, therefore, the odor of it on clothing.

Regular Washing Routine - Importance of constant maintenance.

Regular maintenance of your clothing is also crucial to preventing sweat odors.Wash your clothes after each use, especially those that come in direct contact with your armpits or other sweat-prone areas. This routine prevents bacteria from accumulating and odors from soaking into fabrics.


Tip Principles
Baking Soda Neutralizes odors
White Vinegar Kills bacteria
High Temperature Washing Eliminates persistent odors
Lemon Juice Cleans and leaves a fresh smell
Marseille soap Cleans deeply and eliminates bacteria
Aeration and Sun Drying Dissipates odors and kills bacteria
Eco-Friendly Washing Products Cleans while respecting the environment
Soaking in Saline Solution Neutralizes odors and kills bacteria
Perfumed Fabric Softeners Leaves a pleasant smell on clothes
Odor Prevention Choice of materials and regular washing routine

We've gone through 10 tips to remove sweat smell from clothes. From baking soda to lemon juice, including Marseille soap and aeration, each method has its own advantages. The important thing is to find the one that works best for you and incorporate it into your washing routine.

Now that you're equipped with these tips, it's time to take control of sweat odors on your clothes. Feel free to try different methods to see which one works best for you. Remember, clothing that is fresh and odorless is always within reach.


What is the best tip to quickly remove the smell of sweat ?

There is no universal answer to this question as it depends on the type of fabric and the intensity of the sweat odor. However, a quick and easy solution could be the use of baking soda. Simply sprinkle a little baking soda on the affected areas, let sit for an hour or two, then wash the clothes as usual.

How to deal with delicate clothes that smell of sweat ?

For delicate clothing, using a white vinegar solution can be effective. Simply add a cup of white vinegar to a basin of cold water, soak the clothes and let them soak for an hour . Then, wash the clothes by hand or in the washing machine on a "cold air" cycle to avoid any damage.

Can we prevent the smell of sweat on clothes ?

Yes, it is entirely possible to prevent the sweat smell on clothes.To do this, it is recommended to maintain good personal hygiene, use an effective deodorant and choose clothing made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe. Additionally, washing clothes after each use can also help reduce odor buildup. Some people also find it helpful to pre-treat clothing, especially underarm areas, with baking soda or white vinegar before washing to neutralize odors.

How to get rid of underarm odor ?

underarm odor is due to sweat and the presence of bacteria. To control it, it is advisable to adopt good personal hygiene and opt for an effective deodorant. using baking soda or soda crystals can also help neutralize odors.

How to remove the smell of sweat from laundry ?

To remove the smell of perspiration from laundry, several methods can be used. You can soak your clothes in a solution of white vinegar or use baking soda. It is also possible to put your clothes in the freezer in a airtight bag overnight to kill the bacteria responsible for odors.

Why do my clothes smell bad even after washing ?

If your clothes smell bad even after washing, it could be due to several factors. It is possible that your washing machine needs cleaning, or that you are using a washing temperature that is too low. Additionally, always make sure to dry your clothes properly after washing, as damp clothes can develop unpleasant odors.

How to remove sweat odor from underarms ?

To remove the odor of sweat under the armpits, it is recommended to use an effective deodorant daily. Additionally, applying baking soda to the area can help neutralize odors. Finally, washing your clothes regularly after each use can also help prevent the buildup of odors.

How to remove sweat smell from sportswear ?

sportswear can often retain the sweat odor, due to the type of material used. To clean them, you can soak clothing in a solution of water and white vinegar before washing. You can also add half a cup of baking soda to your usual laundry detergent.

How to remove sweat odor under the arms ?

The sweat odor under the arms can be eliminated by using an effective deodorant and maintaining good personal hygiene. Applying baking soda or soda crystals can also help neutralize odors.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes ?

To remove the smell of perspiration from clothes, it is recommended to wash them after each use.Using baking soda, white vinegar, or scented fabric softeners when washing can help effectively eliminate odors .

How to remove the smell of sweat from black clothes ?

The sweat odor on black clothing can be removed using the same methods as for other clothing colors. It is recommended to wash these clothes after each use, using baking soda or white vinegar to neutralize odors.

Updated October 19, 2023

About the Author

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Geoffrey Lamri

Welcome to our blog! I'm Geoffrey Lamri, the founder of The Oversized Hoodie®. With more than 5,000 customers supported and 10,000 items sold over the last 2 years, our brand has become a reference in the world of homewear and loungewear, and particularly specialized expertise in snuggle hoodies, snuggle hoodies and fleece tights.

Our journey began with 18 months of intensive research and development, where we dove into the world of materials, design and production, with particular attention paid to material selection quality and thoughtful design.

We are proud to be the only ones on the market to offer snuggle hoodies and fleece tights certified by renowned labels such as Oeko-Tex® Standard 100, Oeko-Tex® STeP, and the Confidence Textile Quality Label.

Our mission is clear: to help you make your space a true haven of peace and relaxation, by offering you expert advice and superior quality products. We are here to support you in your quest for ultimate comfort at home.

Have a good read and don’t hesitate to share your feedback and questions!

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